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May 14, 2021Wholesale Market Complexities
June 25, 2021SME businesses in the UK are being urged to begin their net zero journey now by taking ‘small, practical steps’ as the run up to the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow draws closer.
Environmental policies and carbon reduction targets may not have been near the top of your own or your business agenda over the last twelve months. If managed correctly, adopting a net zero policy can deliver tangible savings, encourage new business and create opportunities for growth.
Business emissions can be broken down into three categories – scope 1 emissions being from owned and controlled sources and scope 2 from purchased electricity, heating, steam and colling consumed. These types of emissions can be measured and influenced internally. This contrasts with scope 3 emissions which capture all other indirect emissions from your value chain, for example, business travel, employee commuting, transportation and distribution and employee commuting.
How do we begin our Net Zero Journey?
A good starting point for any Net Zero journey is to understand as much of your current footprint as you can. Without a benchmark or starting place it is impossible to achieve any net zero goal. Consultants can be hired to complete a full evaluation, or, to get started you can use free carbon emission calculators from companies such as Carbon Trust and National Energy Foundation which are simple to complete.
Net zero will not happen overnight and a net zero policy can be about being more thoughtful about the impact your business decisions have on the environment. There are three areas emissions tend to fall in to, these are Energy, Transport and Supply Chain. Energy and transport are relatively easy to measure, we recommend you begin your Net Zero journey focussing on these areas.
Switching to a green gas and green electricity provider is one of the easiest ways for any business to reduce its carbon footprint and deliver tangible saving. More and more suppliers are now offering 100% green tariffs for both SME and Large businesses with rates which can be more competitive than dirty brown contracts.
Install Smart Meters
It is very easy to identify savings when comparing energy contracts. Identifying energy waste and reducing consumption is another very easy way to reduce both cost and carbon footprint. Adding automated meter reads to meters is very simple and will provide you with visibility of how much and when your business is consuming energy.
Through very simple data analysis consumption savings can be quickly identified such as unnecessary out of hours usage and unexpected consumption fluctuation.
Building Management
Simple staff behavioural and technological changes can deliver large savings. For example ensuring building windows are not left open when the heating is on and installing a simple energy management system to regulate building heating and cooling.
Carbon Offsetting
In addition to emissions you can measure, control and influence within your business it is very difficult to influence ‘scope 3’ emissions which include all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain such as business travel, commuting and purchased goods and services.
Please contact for further details or any queries on how this may affect your future invoices.