
General Election 2024: Your Guide To Energy And Green Economy Promises


The Labour Party’s proposed policies reflect a comprehensive strategy to transform the UK’s energy and industrial landscape while addressing climate change, job creation, and energy security. Here’s an overview and analysis of these key points:

Continued Role of Oil and Gas:
  • Oil and Gas: Recognizing the reality of current energy needs, Labour intends to keep oil and gas as part of the UK’s energy mix for the foreseeable future, ensuring energy security and stability during the transition to renewable sources.

National Wealth Fund:
  • Investment in Industrial Strength:
    • £1.8 billion for upgrading ports and building supply chains, which is crucial for enhancing logistics and trade infrastructure.
    • £1.5 billion towards new gigafactories, supporting the automotive industry’s shift to electric vehicles (EVs).
    • £2.5 billion to rebuild the steel industry, aiming to modernize and make it more sustainable.
    • £1 billion for accelerating carbon capture deployment, an essential technology for reducing industrial emissions.
    • £500 million to support green hydrogen manufacturing, promoting an alternative clean fuel source.
    • British Jobs Bonus: Offering up to £500 million annually from 2026 to incentivize clean energy development.
Green Prosperity Plan:
  • Investment and Job Creation: The plan aims to create 650,000 green jobs by 2030, investing in future industries to boost the economy and employment in sustainable sectors.
  • Great British Energy (GBE): A publicly-owned clean power company funded by a windfall tax on oil and gas companies, aiming to lower consumer energy bills by £300 on average and secure the UK’s energy supply.
Renewable Energy Goals:
  • Clean Energy by 2030: Ambitious targets include:
    • Fast-tracking 5 GW of floating offshore wind.
    • Doubling onshore wind capacity to 35 GW.
    • Tripling solar power to 50 GW.
    • Quadrupling offshore wind to 55 GW by 2030.
    • Supporting new nuclear projects, including Small Modular Reactors.
    • Doubling green hydrogen production target to 10 GW.
    • Closing loopholes in the windfall tax on oil and gas companies to ensure fair contribution to the transition.
Warmer Homes Initiative:
  • Home Energy Efficiency: Investing £6.6 billion over the next parliament to upgrade homes, reducing energy bills and creating jobs for electricians, engineers, and construction workers.

Labour’s plan presents a balanced approach, combining immediate and long-term strategies to ensure energy security, promote green energy, and stimulate economic growth through significant investments in infrastructure and technology. The focus on creating jobs, especially in green industries, addresses both economic and environmental concerns, while public ownership of energy resources aims to make energy more affordable for consumers.



The Conservative Party’s proposed policies for the UK’s energy and industrial landscape emphasize a balanced approach to renewable energy development, economic growth, and energy security. Here’s a detailed analysis of these key points:

Renewable Energy and Carbon Capture:
  • Tripling Offshore Wind Capacity: Expanding offshore wind capacity significantly to increase the share of renewable energy in the UK’s energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Building the First Two Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Clusters: Establishing CCS clusters to capture and store carbon emissions from industrial sources, aiding in the reduction of greenhouse gases and helping to meet climate goals.
Investment and Industrial Growth:
  • £1.1 Billion Investment in the Green Industries Growth Accelerator: This substantial investment aims to support the growth of green industries, fostering innovation and creating new job opportunities in sustainable sectors.
Nuclear Energy and Gas Power:
  • Approving Two New Fleets of Small Modular Reactors within the First 100 Days of Parliament: Accelerating the deployment of small modular reactors (SMRs) to provide reliable, low-carbon nuclear energy, enhancing the diversity of the energy mix.
  • Create New Gas Power Stations: While gas is a fossil fuel, new gas power stations can provide a reliable backup to renewable energy sources, ensuring energy security during the transition period.
Support for Energy Firms and Disadvantaged Areas:
  • Rewarding Energy Firms that Invest in Disadvantaged Areas: Incentivizing energy companies to invest in economically disadvantaged areas to promote regional development and job creation.
Commitment to Net Zero and Green Levies:
  • Keep with the UK’s 2050 Net Zero Targets: Reaffirming commitment to achieving net zero emissions by 2050, aligning with international climate goals.
  • Commit to Reducing Green Levies Over the Next Parliament, Using a 2023 Baseline: Easing green levies to reduce the financial burden on consumers while maintaining the push towards renewable energy.
Taxation and Licensing:
  • Maintain Windfall Tax on Oil and Gas Until 2028/2029: Ensuring that oil and gas companies contribute fairly to the transition towards renewable energy by extending the windfall tax.
  • Annual Licensing Rounds for Oil and Gas Production from the North Sea, but No New Licenses: Allowing continued production from existing licenses to ensure energy security, while not issuing new licenses to curb further fossil fuel dependency.

Overall, the Conservative Party’s policy mix reflects a pragmatic and progressive approach to achieving a sustainable, secure, and equitable energy future for the UK.



The Liberal Democrats’ proposed policies reflect a comprehensive and ambitious strategy to transform the UK’s energy and environmental landscape with a strong emphasis on renewable energy, sustainability, and achieving net zero emissions. Here’s a detailed analysis of these key points:

Renewable Energy and Innovation:
  • Net Zero by 2045: Setting a more ambitious target than the current UK goal of 2050, aiming for net zero emissions by 2045.
  • 80% Renewable Electricity by 2030: Investing heavily in renewable power to ensure that 80% of the UK’s electricity comes from renewable sources by 2030. This includes lifting restrictions on new solar installations and increasing incentives for homeowners to install solar panels.
  • Support for Tidal and Wave Power: Promoting investment and innovation in tidal and wave power, diversifying the renewable energy mix and harnessing the UK’s natural resources.
Infrastructure and Security of Supply:
  • Electricity Interconnectors: Building more interconnectors between the UK and other countries to guarantee security of supply, facilitating the import and export of electricity.
  • Grid Infrastructure: Developing the necessary grid infrastructure, supported by a strategic Land and Sea Use Framework to ensure efficient and environmentally sensitive development.
Environmental and Economic Reforms:
  • End Fossil Fuel Subsidies: Implementing the UK’s G7 pledge to end fossil fuel subsidies, redirecting financial support towards renewable energy and sustainable practices.
  • Ban on Fracking and New Coal Mines: Maintaining the ban on fracking and introducing a ban on new coal mines to reduce environmental impact and cut emissions from fossil fuels.
Community and Household Initiatives:
  • Local Energy Schemes: Requiring large energy suppliers to collaborate with community schemes to sell power locally, empowering communities and promoting local renewable energy generation.
  • Free Retrofits and Tax Incentives: Providing free retrofits for low-income homes and generous tax incentives for other households to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprints. This includes ensuring all new homes and non-domestic buildings are zero-carbon and fitted with solar panels.
Government and Regulatory Measures:
  • Net Zero Delivery Authority: Establishing a Net Zero Delivery Authority to restructure national and local government, driving forward the net zero goals with a coordinated and focused approach.
Transportation and Emission Reductions:
  • Active Travel and Public Transport: Promoting active travel (walking and cycling) and the use of public transport, as well as electrifying railways to reduce emissions from transportation.
  • Reducing Climate Impact of Flying: Implementing measures to reduce the climate impact of flying, likely through improved aviation technology, alternative fuels, and more efficient air traffic management.

Overall, the Liberal Democrats’ policies reflect a comprehensive and forward-thinking approach to achieving a sustainable, secure, and equitable energy future for the UK. By setting ambitious targets and implementing supportive measures, they aim to lead the country towards a low-carbon economy while ensuring economic growth and social inclusion.



The Green Party’s proposed policies are centered around an aggressive transition to renewable energy, significant public ownership, and strong environmental protections. Here’s a detailed analysis of these key points:

Renewable Energy and Net Zero Goals:
  • Net Zero by 2040: Setting one of the most ambitious targets for net zero emissions, aiming to achieve this a full decade earlier than the current UK goal.
  • Significant Increase in Renewable Capacity: Plans to increase offshore wind capacity to 80 GW, onshore wind to 53 GW, and solar power to 100 GW by 2035. This massive expansion of renewable capacity is essential for decarbonizing the energy sector.
  • Wind to Provide 70% of Electricity by 2030: Aiming for wind energy to supply the majority of the UK’s electricity within a decade, highlighting a strong commitment to wind power.
Community Ownership and Public Investment:
  • Community Ownership of Energy: Encouraging communities to own their energy sources, fostering local engagement, and ensuring that the benefits of renewable energy are shared more equitably.
  • Investment in Energy Storage and Distribution: Emphasizing the importance of energy storage and efficient electricity distribution to support a renewable-heavy grid.
Public Ownership and Economic Policies:
  • Public Ownership of Railways, Water, and Energy Companies: Bringing these essential services into public ownership to ensure they are run for public benefit rather than private profit.
  • £2 Billion per Year in Decarbonization Grants: Providing substantial annual grants to local authorities to help businesses transition to low-carbon operations.
Fossil Fuel and Nuclear Energy Policies:
  • Cancel Fossil Fuel Licenses and Stop New Projects: Canceling recent fossil fuel licenses and halting all new fossil fuel extraction projects to cut emissions and transition away from fossil fuels.
  • Remove Oil and Gas Subsidies: Eliminating subsidies for oil and gas, redirecting financial support towards renewable energy and sustainable practices.
  • Carbon Tax on Fossil Fuels: Introducing a carbon tax on all fossil fuel imports and domestic extraction to incentivize the reduction of fossil fuel use and raise funds for green initiatives.
  • Phase Out Nuclear Energy: Committing to completely phasing out nuclear power, focusing instead on renewable energy sources.

Overall, the Green Party’s policies reflect a transformative vision for the UK’s energy and environmental future, emphasizing rapid decarbonization, public and community ownership, and substantial investment in renewable infrastructure and technologies. This approach aims to position the UK as a global leader in climate action while ensuring that the benefits of the green transition are broadly shared.



Reform UK’s proposed policies take a different approach to energy and climate policy compared to other major UK parties. Here’s a detailed analysis of their key points:

Abandoning Net Zero Plans:
  • Scrapping Net Zero Plans Entirely: Reform UK proposes to abandon the goal of reaching net zero emissions, a significant departure from the current consensus among major UK parties and international climate commitments.
Renewable Energy Subsidies:
  • Axing Renewable Subsidies: The party plans to eliminate the annual £10 billion spend on renewable energy subsidies, arguing that this expenditure is not justified or effective.
Focus on Nuclear and Fossil Fuels:
  • Emphasizing Nuclear Energy: Reform UK advocates for increased reliance on nuclear energy, which they consider a cleaner alternative to fossil fuels. This includes likely support for both existing large-scale nuclear plants and potentially small modular reactors.
  • Continued Use of Fossil Fuels: The party supports the continued use of fossil fuels, arguing that they are necessary for reliable and affordable energy supply.
Climate Adaptation:
  • Adaptation to Global Warming: Instead of aiming to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Reform UK’s strategy focuses on adapting to the impacts of global warming. This implies investments in infrastructure and technologies to cope with rising temperatures, sea-level rise, and other climate impacts.

Reform UK’s policies offer a starkly different vision for the UK’s energy and climate future, focusing on economic pragmatism and immediate energy security rather than long-term environmental sustainability. By rejecting net zero targets and cutting renewable energy subsidies, the party prioritizes nuclear and fossil fuels while planning to adapt to, rather than mitigate, climate change. This approach may resonate with those concerned about the costs and feasibility of current climate policies but poses significant risks regarding the UK’s environmental commitments and future climate resilience.


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