UK & European Energy Market Snapshot…
October 11, 2023Britons face higher energy bills after Ofgem raises price cap
November 26, 2023Renewable energy generation achieved a record high in the European electricity market for the third quarter, according to a report by EnAppSys, an energy data analyst. The report analysed trends in the European electricity market from 1st July to 30th September.
12% increase
Renewable power generation during this period increased by 12% compared to Q3 2022, driven largely by substantial wind generation, which reached 95TWh, exceeding the 84TWh recorded in the same quarter of the previous year.
The report highlighted a sustained decline in wholesale prices, primarily driven by lower gas prices, abundant wind power and reduced electricity demand. Negative prices were observed, especially in the early part of the quarter. While prices remained generally stable from July onwards, a surge in electricity prices occurred in late August due to rising gas prices linked to an announced strike by Australian LNG workers.
Demand continues to fall
Notably, total power demand in Europe continued to decline from Q1 2023, reaching 7% lower than in Q3 2022. Gas-fired generation fell by 27% to 103TWh, marking the lowest level in recent quarters. Nuclear generation slightly increased compared to Q3 2022, but coal and lignite generation saw a significant decline of approximately 38% compared to the same period.
Here in the UK, renewable energy, mainly wind and solar continue to power a significant proportion of the UK generation mix helping to reduce reliance on gas imports, in-turn helping to control UK energy prices with still very little Russian gas exports to Europe.
Below summarises the most recent weekly UK generation mix with clean renewables accounting for c45% of the total generation mix.
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