
UK launches floating wind task force

RenewableUK is welcoming industry leaders, senior Government officials and other key stakeholders to the launch of a Floating Offshore Wind Task Force in London.

The new body aims to ensure that the UK “stays at the forefront” of floating wind, creating thousands of new jobs and attracting billions in private investment, the trade group stated.

RenewableUK and the Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Catapult have worked with the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments to set up the task force.

It will include companies who are operating and developing floating projects around the UK, including Equinor, SSE and Aker Offshore Wind as well as senior representatives from the UK and devolved governments, including BEIS, plus key stakeholder organisations such as the Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland.

The UK is a “world leader” in floating wind with two projects generating successful in Scottish waters (Hywind and Kincardine) and the largest floating wind pipeline in the world at over 26GW.


The task force’s vision is to ensure the UK maximises the benefits of this burgeoning industry by capturing significant market share not only in the UK by also by exporting technology and expertise around the world.

The initial remit of the task force will be to define the “enormous scale of opportunity” for the industry and to produce a comprehensive report on how to make the most of this, which will be undertaken in two stages.

The first stage, scheduled for completion in the autumn, will analyse how fast new capacity can be built in UK waters and quantify the potential investment needed in UK ports and infrastructure to meet this demand.


This will be followed by a more detailed series of recommendations next spring.

RenewableUK CEO Dan McGrail said:

“I’m very pleased that we have support from the UK, Scottish and Welsh Governments to convene this ground-breaking group which will chart our course to capitalise on this innovative technology.

“It will provide clarity on the strategic investments the UK needs to scale up and deliver a whole new industry, creating thousands of new jobs and revitalising ports and coastal communities around the country.

Energy Minister Greg Hands said: “The UK is poised to lead the world in floating offshore wind, building on our proud maritime and engineering traditions.

“This new Taskforce will help power us into the future, making the most of our seas to generate clean, affordable, homegrown electricity.”

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