Water – The Forgotten Utility
October 28, 2020President Biden: Potential impacts for The Energy Industry
November 10, 2020Businesses with pass through electricity contracts can influence and reduce bills this winter.
TRIAD’s are the three half-hour periods with the highest system demand between November and February.
The more electricity your business is consuming during these three Triad periods, the higher your business Transmission charges will be.
If your business can reduce electricity consumption during these periods your business will see a saving in your current and potentially future electricity contracts.
TRIAD costs are designed to encourage large business energy users to reduce electricity during the highest demand periods through winter. Whilst it is very difficult to predict when the three highest demand periods will be, it is highly likely these periods will occur when the UK weather is extremely cold.
The below graph summarises how electricity demand fluctuates through a typical day.
UK electricity demand peaks on Monday to Friday between 4pm and 7pm when most of the population returns home for the evening.
Businesses who can reduce electricity during this period are helping National Grid ensure our system is balanced, these businesses are also rewarded with lower TRIAD charges, meaning lower electricity rates.
If your business electricity contract splits out non-commodity charges you may be able to reduce your TRIAD charges this winter. Businesses with pass through electricity charges receive an additional invoice or credit in April once TRIAD periods and costs have been calculated. For business electricity contracts which are fully fixed your rates will not be affected, TRIAD charges have already been built into your rates.
For further information on how to control influence TRIAD charges and to sign up to our TRIAD alert service please contact hello@gleg.co.uk
Chris Haines, GLEG